We’re back in the office! Our regular hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm PST. (But we usually check on the weekend as well) Feel free to reach out and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
If you answer these questions, we can hit the ground running and eliminate email churn:
What is the name of your book/author’s pen name?
Is it a Soft Cover? Hard Cover? Kindle edition? All of the above?
If physical, what size if the book? 5x8? 6x9? etc…
Did you use the templates provided by Amazon for the inside text? They have proper margins and will minimize issues later on. They can be found here.
After using one of the above templates, what is the exact page count?
Do you have a synopsis we can read to inspire us to create a wonderful cover for your book?
What do you see as the perfect cover? Have any titles of books you see as ‘kindred spirits’? Let us know.